November 7, 2013 @ 4:52 PM



         Word of mouth will always be your best bet when looking for a special person that will be kind and qualified. Internet reviews can be a starting place, but can reflect an “online reputation” that is different from reality. Ask your co-workers, people at church, or even the stranger in the dog food aisle. For a visual resource, Facebook pictures should be of their best work. No matter how “cute” the dog is, look at the quality of the cut. Attractive styles demonstrate skill with tools and pets.

         When calling pet salons for information ask to speak to a groomer. You will get a better “feel” for the groomer by talking to them directly. Tell them about your pet and any concerns that you have. Ask if you can stay for the grooming, even if you do not plan to. Groomers who are unkind, dirty, or unqualified do not like the owner of the pet present.

         Visit the pet salon without your pet before your appointment. This can be an opportunity to see the cleanliness of the salon, other pets being groomed, a tour, and pick up paperwork that needs filled out. While you are there, try to say hello to the groomer that you spoke with.

         Pet groomers are not state licensed, like their human counterparts. Being sure to do a little research ahead of time can alleviate the stress and anxiety that comes with leaving your furry friend with a stranger, and at worst, a costly trip to the Veterinarian.