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We have a specific salon design to prevent escape from the building.

We use hydrolic tables to reduce jumping and to help lift senior and large dogs.

We do not use straps or bars to restrain your pet.

We only use leash style loops with a holder.

  • On our tables and in our secure tubs for bathing.

We use secure gated enclosures for our dogs that require extra room.

We have a secure fenced in yard for play and pottty times.

There is no contact with other pets in the salon including nose to nose greetings. (As friendly as these contacts seem, it is the way that dog viruses and diseases are spread. You should NEVER let your pet go "nose to nose" with an animal that you do not know.)

Limited visuals of other pets while in the salon.

We only have adult animal handlers with experience.

  • We do not allow inhumane brushing or handling. EVER.

We do not promote or use heated cage drying.

We have 100% monitoring of animals being dipped for a flea treatment.

We only use hypo-allergenic products in the salon.


GroomingDales Hours: By Appointment

Sunday No grooming, store open 6pm-7pm, boarder pick ups

Monday: No grooming 6pm-7pm boarder pick ups

Tuesday- Saturday Grooming 8am -5:00pm


Sunday  CLOSED
Monday  CLOSED
Tuesday-Saturday 8:00am-5:00pm
(Please finish by 5pm)








Contact Us (937) 427-3777 for an appointment or a friendly quote.
Or email us at groomers@aol.com, please type "appointment" in the subject line.