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October 19, 2012 @ 8:37 PM



    With some pet owners, there is controversy surrounding the idea of dying pets colors.  There are people out there that just simply think it's cruel. There was even a groomer who dyed his own poodle pink,and got prosecuted with an obscure law that was meant to protect bunnies and chicks, at Easter... which grow up to be unwanted pets.

    After dying dozens of dogs over the last 15 years, I have come to the conclusion that it is harmless.  There is nothing harmful about dying dogs.  Silly, maybe, but sometimes we need to be a little silly!  I know some guys that are ridiculous over football.  So, people want  to .........

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October 4, 2012 @ 6:31 PM

The following blog posts are written by expert animal handler and master groomer Amy Howard.

Amy has been in the grooming industry for 23 years. She has owned and operated GroomingDales Pet Salon & Day Spa in Beavercreek Ohio, for almost 17 years. She has completed Companion Animal Hygenist certification, and is the first groomer in Ohio to perform Ultra White oral freshness treatments.  

Amy is a leader in her industry in the greater Dayton, Ohio area, setting high cleanliness and animal handling standards that most groomers in this area had refused to uphold.

Amy attends continuing education conferences and continuely evaluates her job as a salon owner and her facility to be inovative and state of the art. She has also ......

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October 4, 2012 @ 6:31 PM


How to get dogs to sit still for grooming


I am often asked… “How do you get them to sit so still? How do you get them to let you do that?”


The answer to this question is often hard to sum up in a quick retort. So here, I have taken time to explain what makes the really talented pet groomers great at what they do and the techniques behind the magic of what I like to call “The jedi mind wave” (convincing pets that it is in their best interest to sit still.)


1. Don't Get Bit

Animal handling can be a very dangerous prospect. I think there aren't too many people that haven't been somehow affected by an animal viciously biting a human. How about that story, you know ......

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GroomingDales Hours: By Appointment

Sunday No grooming, store open 6pm-7pm, boarder pick ups

Monday: No grooming 6pm-7pm boarder pick ups

Tuesday- Saturday Grooming 8am -5:00pm


Sunday  CLOSED
Monday  CLOSED
Tuesday-Saturday 8:00am-5:00pm
(Please finish by 5pm)








Contact Us (937) 427-3777 for an appointment or a friendly quote.
Or email us at groomers@aol.com, please type "appointment" in the subject line.